It is going to be off my head and heart in a couple of days. I have been pestering my brother, ever since the summer of 2005, to share the ways that made him the most successful candidate as per the results of the IAS Exams that year. He is a voracious reader. After four-plus years...he has become a writer at last. In the process I too have written a lot. Our book "Topper's Tips" will be waiting for you in the stands in another 4-5 days. Unique Publications, Delhi is doing the job of making our tips reach the needy aspirants in the best form at Rs.95. It is a small-sized book with about 100 pages.
Some background: The IAS Exam is considered to be the toughest and the most tiring exam in the country. Though this Exam does not test one's quantitative skills and analytical bent of mind as good as the CAT does, IAS Exam is a nightmare for the sheer volume and variety of the subjects to be mastered; and the unimaginably long duration of the selection cycle that spans over a year with three stages - an objective Prelim, a subjective and unnerving Main and finally topped up by a Personality Test. Well, I can go on about the exams for dozens of more lines. Cutting it short, it becomes very essential for an aspirant to be armed with good guidance to wade this Exam. We felt we could and we need to help here.
Anyone who is even remotely related with this Exams would agree that right guidance, especially from candidates who have cleared the Exam, is not easily available in a systematic way. Rather, there are thousands of "free advices" and "glorious myths" that end up confusing and spoiling the efforts of thousands of genuine candidates every year.
Topper's Tips is an attempt to clear the myths and share our wisdom acquired over a period of about ten years. Yes, ten years. My brother started with the Prelims 2000, I ended it with the Interview 2009. Luckily we both have cleared the Exam. We sincerely hope this book will be much help to many; and sincere candidates can avoid wasting years in reinventing the wheel.
We have tried to keep the language as simple as possible. We have also put in very practical insights. We hope it is going to be useful. If you happen to come across a copy in the coming weeks, please feel free to write to us.Thanks!
Our sincere thanks to all who made this book possible.
Fingers crossed!
Congratulations on your new book :)Way to go Sundar!!
so proud to see the book authors
Thanks very much Varsha.. and Karthik.. lets see how far it goes..
it will be out this Friday.
Great attempt! benefit must be immense to the aspirants..
Thanks very much! We hope so..
Good going! Cover well thought off
I have been a silent and anonymous
reader of your posts since long.However that would not stop me from congratulating
you and wishing that you come up with
nicer ways to assist the CSE aspirants.
Way to go.
:) thanks.. it was done by Rakesh..credit goes to him :)
@Rahul Kumar:
Really encouraging to see your comment..Thanks very much..:)
Could you please let me know whether the book will be available in chennai
Yes..it will be available in most cities, including Chennai. I hope to see the book in Higginbotham/Landmark latest by Nov.25.
Supppeeerrbbb anna.. kalakiteenga.. congratulations!! amazing subject and the cover page idea is too good... very happy for u...
Its rocking........ All the very best. Congratulations guys, for the first book... (I m sure, there will be more to come)
Congrats to both of you ! And very proud of you two ...
good luck
:) thanks very much Charanya!
hey congrats and hope this is just the start...all the best!
after traversing the treacherous alleys of free advices and myths about the exam, i can vouch the book is gonna be perfect recipe for how to go about the exam from the authors who have walked the talk. my heartiest congratulations Sundar!
Thanks very much buddy.. hope it is gonna be useful!
Hi Nidhi/Appu/Naka..
thanks very much...
:):) :)
i have been a reader of your blog since long time...
I just got really surprised by seeing the book - topper' tips and its author name, in a book shop in Delhi(and remembered your blog) ... came back and checked your blog.
I have come to delhi for CSE prep. I have gone through your book sir, thanks for your sincere efforts to guide the aspirents
while going through the headings the book may seem as"usual tips"at a one shot view.but the book takes to a different world aftergoing through it...I believe it helps me in the journey of my CSE prep.
Thank you and congratulations!for making it.
your words are really encouraging Ramya! thanks...
in case you have any specific feedback/doubts reg the book/prep pls feel free to mail me..
best wishes!
Glad to see your reply sir.
guidelines in the book helping in to give up apprehensions and good strategies to prepare,right now am following that.
Thank you for welcoming the queries
In the due course if i got any queries i hope i could clear it with you. thank you.
Could i have your email id ...if you could share, can you please send it to :ramyacraj@hotmail.com
pls click "view my complete profile" in the right bottom of my blog page. my email id is there.
Hello Sir.
Iam Surendra, an aspirant of civil services.
Iam Living in USA for the last 3 years, and not able to get your book sir.
can you please suggest how can get your book "Topper's Tips"!
Thank you Sir
Hi Surendra.. whats your mail id?
Hi Sir,
I read your book last week..I got it as a prize from my college..I am aspiring civil servant too..Your books was really good and giving me the energetic feel whenever i read it..Thanks a lot sir
Thank you Vaishnavi!
Best wishes!
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