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There were days. many years back, when I used to roam around with my bulky Cosina manual SLR camera. That camera used to fill almost half of my briefcase. Today, after a 2-year relation with a Sony 5.1 mp digital camera, I am tied up with a Nokia 3110. Though I take this one wherever I go, it is not for for good snaps; it is just to use the mobile. I no longer "look" for good frames. I also miss those moments of enjoyable, anxious waits in the photo studio...for the negatives to be turned into photographs. Those moments of wait really used to race my heart. I used to remember almost all the 34 or so frames I had clicked, and eagerly waited to see how they have shaped up on print. The moment I see the studio boy bringing the photos (they are generally a slightly wet at this point of time), I literally used to pounce on him. It gave one a kind of high to see the snaps on print for the first time. It is no longer today.
Of course no one asked me to throw away that manual SLR and get settled for mobile camera. Probably I have lost much interest in photography. Or another angle to it is - I am getting lazier with age. The latter is more realistic.

For example, the snap above was clicked while I was trying hard to catch up some sleep. But people who do not know this story behind the snap might think that I have worked really hard to fix the frame, conceptualise such an innovative angle, and the snap too has come out as impressively as planned. Only you and I know that this is a lazy photo.

(Wet Rickshaw)
The Golden Carpet (below) was taken by my Sony before we broke up. I was quite satisfied about this taken in the corridor outside my room, but had it been a few years back - I would have surely enjoyed those anxious moments in the photo studio.
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